
School Annual Report

St. Rita’s Public School

Annual Report 2019-2020


                   Crossing the milestones every year in the service of education, St. Rita’s Public School, Palluruthy has marked with many events and success stories. The Augustinian Sisters had built this institution, on the attribute of motivation and great vision, is dedicated to the task of molding the students to great genius.

                   With great honour and privilege, I proudly present before the august gathering of the 23rd Annual Report of St. Rita’s Public School for the Academic Year 2019-2020.


Establishment of the School

St. Rita’s Public School had its humble beginning at Palluruthy on 06.03.1996. Since 1996 we are continuing our educational journey successfully with an excellent vision and mission.


        “One day in retrospect the years of struggle will strike you as the beautiful.”

                   We are proud to report that our 2018-’19 batch of class X students have brought laurels to the school by their results. Kumari Sumayya T R and Kumari Thahira P N have bagged full A1 grade in the CBSE Board Exam. The merit certificate is a special recognition from CBSE for students who have excelled in the field of academics, sports and co-curricular activities. This was possible because of the continuous effort by the dedicated sisters and teachers and by taking extra classes and other remedial measures to improve them.  

Staff Enrichment Program

                   The effective enrichment program is an integral component of ensuring that the organization achieves the best possible outcomes. Our teachers had attended workshops and various training programs for the betterment of the school and to update their selves in the teaching field.

           Two days program was conducted for the teachers of St. Rita’s Public School on 29th and 31st of May2019. A class on the topic ‘Psychology of Children’ was taken by Rev. Fr. Chilton Fernandez. He highlighted the teachers to be more dedicated, lovable, and compassionate towards children. Various topics such as Emotional Intelligence, Self Esteem, Helplessness and Activating factors were discussed in the session

          On the second day Mr. Vincent Issac Francis, Resource Person of Ratna Sagar Publication empowered our faculties on ‘Importance of English Language in Education’ and gave a new beginning to the academic year.                                                  

 School Managing Committee

          As per the norms of CBSE, School Managing Committee was instituted effectively taking attention in the field of administration and activities of the school.

School Protection Group

           School Protection Group has been strengthened by the cooperation of Janamaithry Police aiming at the safety and protection of the students.

Re- opening day

          “You are off to great places; today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way”

          After exploring and capturing the summer holidays, we the Ritarian family began the day by invocating God’s blessing. On 6th of June all the teachers and students were back with great heart and mind. The day was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Sumesh Illikkaparambil O.S.A and his provoking message sparkled us to be the good elements of knowledge. Our Principal Rev. Sr. Lincy D’couth welcomed the newly appointed Vice Principal Rev. Sr. Glancy Veliyil and the faculties.  School Manager Rev. Sr. Josephine P. A graced the reopening day with her presence.

World Environmental Day

          “Time spent among tree is never time wasted.”

                   As June 5th was the reopening day we happen to celebrate the World Environmental day on 14th of June. The World Environmental day was celebrated and inaugurated by our beloved Principal Rev. Sr. Lincy D’couth and conveyed an awareness class on the topic ‘Importance of Planting and Protecting Trees’. The school management distributed saplings to each and every students by swearing the slogan ‘Beat air pollution’

General Body Meeting

          First P.T.A General Body Meeting was conducted on 13th of June. New members were elected in the general body meeting. Mr. Unnikrishnan A P was elected as the P.T.A president. Mr. Lonppan and Mr.Sanoj Gafoor from HDFC Bank were present in the meeting to give the further details on bank fee collections.  Also a class for parents was taken by Mr. Linto John, a qualified resource person on ‘How to make a friendly atmosphere in home with the children’. Class PTA meetings were held to review the activities of the students and seeked parents participation and feedback.

Reading day

          “Reading is a way for us to expand our mind, open our eyes and fill up our hearts.”

                   We observed the reading day on 19th of June 2019 with a special assembly and remembering the great writer P N Panikkar and the celebrations involved quiz, poem recitation, and speech on importance of reading, inorder to educate the young minds.

Yoga day

          Yoga day was celebrated on 21st of June. The students performed demonstrations on Surya Namaskar and Asanas. Therfore we could impart them that Yoga helps to remove stress and worries. Once in a week a Yoga class is given for the students to promote a balance development in physical, mental and spiritual being.

Anti-drugs day

          ‘Life can take you higher than drugs’

          On 26th  of June, teachers and students took the initiative to celebrate Anti-Drugs day with a moto ‘Say No to Drugs, Save life’. Around thirty students of class 6th to 10th participated for the cycle rally conducted by the Don Bosco Palluruthy under the guidance of respective teachers. It benefited the students and the society by waving their flags and yelling out ‘No to drugs’.

Investiture Ceremony

                The school witnessed election in a tremendous manner on 19th of July.  Master Nihal Amish and Kumari Gowri Nandana Mohan of class X were elected as the school head boy and School head girl of the institution. Four house captains and vice-captains were honoured by the school management and grace them for taking up the responsibilities. The guest of the day, school manager Rev.Sr. Josphine Pulithara administered the oath and conferred the sashes to the leaders. 

Formation of Club

“All work and no play make Jack and a dull boy”.

                   Different clubs were formed and each club officially conducted the inauguration by giving names to their respective club on four consecutive days of July, such as:

        Literature club named as ‘Zypher’

          Social Science club named as ‘Ecominions’

          Science club named as ‘Clavasantiam’

          Maths club named as ‘Mystica Math’

Club organized various co-curricular activities so as to develop a child physically, morally, socially and mentally to have skills in co-scholastic areas. Regular club activities are held in which the students participate and showcase their potentiality. Also these clubs are under the guidance of teachers and elected captains and vice-captains.


Film Show

                 On 11th of July, we organized a film show related to the importance of one’s own ability and to take things to its importance, were all in one, in the movie named ‘OOMAKKUYIL PAADUMBOL’

Independence Day

          “Let us celebrate the glory of Free India and uphold the Pride and honour of being an Indian’’

                   On August 15th 2019 we celebrated the 73rd Independence Day with great pride. The chief guest for the grand function was Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector (ASI) Mr. Binish Kumar. He added glamour to the day by conveying his own experiences and spoke on the importance of good moral values in our life.

Malayala Manorama Balajanasakyam 

Balajanasakyam is an organization which aims all the good deeds and wellness of the society. The inaugural ceremony of Balajana Sakyam was held on 22nd August 2019. The Manger of St. Rita’s Public School, Rev. Sr. Josephine P. A inaugurated the function. Mr. John P. Xavier and Mr. Joseph Kattikadu were the chief guest for the function

Teachers’ Day

          ‘If there were no teachers, all other profession would not exist.’

                   Teachers’ day was celebrated with great pomp and glory on September 5th 2019, as it was the birth anniversary of the great teacher Dr. Radhakrishnan. Students expressed their heartfelt wishes, support, love and care of the teachers by giving bouquets. Senior students became teachers for a period and put a good show. Students of class IX and X conducted some programmes that brought alive and paid obeisance to teachers. Principal exerted the students to be grateful to their teachers for teaching them the art of living. In connection of this, teachers took an oath to respect and love their passion.                                                                                                                                 Onam Celebration

  Onam celebration in St. Rita’s Public School was inaugurated by one of the well-known writer Mr. Xavier, the author of the book ‘Manjnanarakam’ on 6th of September. The blooming buds from the KG exhibited themselves as Malayalimanka and Maran. The main attraction of the program was Thiruvathira, Onappattu, brought alive to the culture and tradition of Kerala. Students participated enthusiastically in ON and OFF stage programs. To share the spirit of onam, payasam was served.     

Gandhi Jayanthi

          Students from class VI toX of the Ritarians observed 2nd of October as Gandhi Jayanthi, and took the initiative to clean the surroundings of the Govt Hospital  Palluruthy. PTA members, parents, teachers and students gave their full support and became a part of the mission.

School Rosary

          Every year we observe the month of October as ‘Rosary month’ by offering special prayers to Mother Mary. Special arrangements were made to wind up the  Rosary month  

Spiritual Orientation Class

                   A spiritual orientation class was conducted for the students from KG to 10th on three consecutive days by the Holy Rosary Ministry. The team enriched our students and insisted to inculcate moral values and grow in spiritual maturation. They also equipped our parents and teachers to accept things positively and turned to be a blessed week.    

Principal’s Feast

                   On November 4th, we the Ritarians celebrated feast day of our beloved Principal Rev. Sr. Lincy D’couth. School manager Rev. Sr. Josephine, Acting Manager Rev. Sr. Christeena, Vice Principal Rev Sr Glancy, PTA members and all other Ritarians graced the function with their presence.                            St. Rita’s Inter School Football Tournament

          The Inter school football Tournament was held on 7th and 8th of November. The kick- off ceremony  was inaugurated by the Acting  ManagerRev. Sr. Christeena. Around 26 schools participated under three categories – Under 11, Under 13, Under 16.  The Chief guest for the closing ceremony was Hnbl. MP.Mr. Hibi Eden. He announced and awarded the Winner’s and the Runner up trophy to the Rajagiri Christhu Jayanthi Public School and St. Paul’s Public School respectively.

Sports day

          ‘To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you are not, keep on trying’

                   Sports competitions inculcate the spirit of positive challenges and sportsmanship among the students and prepare them for the life ahead. Sports, games and physical fitness occupy a place of importance in our curriculum. Therefore Annual Sports Meet  for KG was held  on  12th of November and for the school section on 18th of November which was inaugurated by the football coach Ex-Indian Navy and former referee of FIFA Mr. Michael Andrews, inspired the students with his presence and offered a thrilling moment in the campus. To discover the colour of sports day, Sports captain Master Nahas P N lighted the torch and thus the events started with full of enthusiasm.


Talent’s day and Children’s Day

          For tapping out the hidden talents of the blooming buds, the school celebrated great two events, Children’s day and Talent’s day on 13th and 14th of November. The same was inaugurated by the film actor Mr. Sudi Kopa who gave the campus a buzzing sound of excitement and happiness. As a remark of children’s day, the teachers entertained the students with great favor and joy.


School Picnics

          ‘ Live in the sun shine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air’. Besides studies,  exploring the world is also a part of curriculum, so the school organized one day picnic program to Sparky Lulu for K G on 22nd of November.On 26th of  November class I and II to Amaze World, III to VI to Silver storm and Snow storm, and VII to X to Wonderla  . Great fun and frolic filled the day..         



   ‘Think out of the box, go beyond textbooks’.

The young future scientists of the Ritarian Family from KG to X participated one day expo with their innovative projects.Creative ideas came forward to explore the world of science . It was a day for the clubs to compete among themselves. Many new concepts regarding the designing of future city, avoiding plastics, working of several machines, painting ,crafts etc. were displayed by the students, which in turn gave a good learning experience. 

          Christmas Celebration

‘It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air’


           We celebrated the spirit of Christmas with great zeal and excitement. For making it a wonderfultime of the year  we welcomed our Santa to the floor    . Rev. Fr. John Marshal OSA presided over the function and his message emphasized on the importance of sharing and exchanging gifts. The tiny tots of the kinder Garten coloured the chirstmas celebration. Festivities included living crib and Christmas carol. Each and every one of the Ritarian family got drowned in the happy festive vibes.  



          “It is not how much we give but how much love we put in to giving”- Mother Theresa

          The Moto love and serve was inculcated in the minds of the students for stretching out their arms to the needy. As a part of charity we the Ritarian family had a big start to the Re-opening day of the academic  year 2019 by handing over a cheque to Mrs Mary Kujnumol of Late Mr. Shibu.

          One meal a week to the poor was initiated in students same as what St. Mother Theresa said ‘give a meal to one than to give for hundreds’so to nurture  a  sharing mind, students were asked to bring   ‘Pothichoru’ on all Wednesdays along with their regular lunch box.

 For the purpose of collecting fund towards the charity  KG section organized a canteenon 14th of November.Biriyani fest  was conducted on 29th of November with the sincere co-operation of the sponcers, PTA members andParents. We proudly appreciate each and every one for their kind and generous mind.

Programs to be conducted

February – Staff picnic

March      - Manager’s day

Manager’s day

       On 19th of March we Ritarians have decided to celebrate the Feast day of our Most Respected School Manager Rev. Sr. Josephine, we staff and students do pray to keep her hale and hearty.                  


I wish to terminate this report by offering up a high sense of gratitude to the Almighty God for His abundance throughout these years.

I extend my hearty sincere thanks to Mother Luciana Di Stefanis, the Superior General of our Congregation, Rev. Sr. Josephine Pulithara, the Indian Delegate and Manager of the school, Rev. Sr. Christeena, the Acting Manager, Rev. Sr. Glancy Veliyil, the Vice Principal, all the respected sisters, teachers, non-teaching staff, students, PTA President and executive members, parents, benefactors and well wishers for the whole hearted collaboration to change ordinary opportunities in to blessing.    

          Before I conclude the Annual Report of St. Rita’s Public School, I pray to our heavenly patron St. Rita for the heavenly blessings and prayers for the development for this institution.

As Robert Frost remind us;


“Woods are Lovely Dark and Deep

But I have promises to keep

And miles to go before I sleep

And miles to go before I sleep”


                             Yes, we have to go miles and miles. Let’s work together for the speedy development of this institution.


Thank You for exploring the world.